toesday, the third day of the week. comes after moanday.
toesday is the day the soapman unlocks our shoe prisons and lets our delicious toes breath free from their acidy prison.
toejam also inexplicably tastes the best on this day.
toesday is the day the soapman unlocks our shoe prisons and lets our delicious toes breath free from their acidy prison.
toejam also inexplicably tastes the best on this day.
toesday is my favorite day of the week!
"ay yo whats tomorrow" "toesday." "oh boy!"
"ay yo whats tomorrow" "toesday." "oh boy!"
Happer Toesday
Thar graetest dayre oaf yoarne; Happer Toesday ith th' daye foar thou'est houlye enterjectione; Halexandere Grann Belle hath taeken thith holiedae lieke aye telle-if-owne. Weep if thou commemmerste.
Spoilsman: "Yo dat bitch got herr 'n' yo' fo-way like it 'twas Happer Toesday."
Spoolsman: "Aye wille maeke yarr yarne."
Spoolsman: "Aye wille maeke yarr yarne."