

俚语 toe tapped

Toe Tapped

Toe Tap (verb) A common action in a public restroom among the gay or Bi-sexual community. Traditionally a man will try to initiate contact with another man by moving his foot beyond the stall divide and begin the "tapping" motion. The tapping motion is essentially a signal trying to gain permission for a gay sexual encounter.
Me: "A bro, get this.. I was at the gym and in the middle of my workout, I had to take a shit. I went to the restroom, and I think I got toe tapped".

Friend: "Did you tapp back and get butt-fucked"?

Me: "No because I forgot the lube"

Texas toe tap

When a person keeps on dancing around the truth to matter even though the truth is known by the other party
Dam that bitch did the Texas toe tap all night, how dumb could she be

toe tap a flea

Definition 1: A form of typo from, "bon appetit"

Definition 2: (verb) to eat
Meme: "Cooking my girl spag eddie. Toe tap a flea."

"Hey, let's go toe tap a flea." or "I'm finna toe tap a flea." or "Leave me alone. I'm trying to toe tap a flea."

Tijuana Toe Tap

The TJ toe tap is a form of Mexican torture where a prisoner of war is detained and force-fed Habanero peppers and carne asada puree out of a blender for 5 straight hours. He has a gun held to his head with a torturer stating "I'll blow your fucking brains out if you release one ounce of shit on my floor!!!" The kicker to this torture is the actual "toe tap". They now bring in a torture trainee with the sweattiest feet and have him take off his boots and socks and proceed to tap the prisoners asshole lightly with his sweaty-ass big toe making it that much more impossible to hold in the MASSIVE SPICY SHIT he really needs to blast out!
Dude, I shouldn't have fucked Escobars daughter!!...now he has his goons out to give me the Tijuana Toe Tap!!!!!
Fuck me!

tap toe

a woman who can relate to a psychology fact that describes men. typically the one that is about women being more disgusted by disgusting things than men.
example one

Lincoln Loud (a male character from the Loud House):*sees dirty bathroom*
Lincoln Loud (a male character from the Loud House): "This bathroom is disgusting"
Viewer: "Lincoln Loud is a tap toe"

example two

Lana Loud (a female character from the Loud House):*enjoys disgusting things with a passion*
viewer: "Lana Loud is a tap toe

tap toe

engage in fight to break some thing usually human body parts
Tell your boss to pay his dues or else I'll tap toe his knee caps

tap toe clan

a clan of people and fictional characters who are tap toes
male cartoon character: "eww mud"
viewer: " you're now in my tap toe clan"

female cartoon character: "I LOVE disgusting things!<3"
viewer: "you're now in my tap toe clan."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:00:36