

俚语 to fizz

fizz fizz

What people in the UK call "soda" or "pop"
"Mum, can I have some fizz fizz?"

"Sure, mate, but first you have to finish your shepherd pie!"

The Fizz

The euphoric sensation a gay man feels when his partner climaxes inside of him.
Cory collapsed in a wash of joy and happiness when his boyfriend gave him the fizz.


1. to break or destroy something beyond belief
2. to take something un-breakable and defy physics by some how managing to break it
3. being clumsy in a amazing fashion

History: with origins in a group of friends from East Melbourne, Australia from long ago, fizzed has quickly become one of the most used words in the region to describe destruction by any single individual
I can't believe you broke that, bro you just fizzed it.


Yo bro we out to Chipotle?

For A Fizz


that one fucking fish who dashes and becomes untargetable for 1 whole year
hey yo Fizz is so broken
~every midlaner ever


Female Jizz.
I want to taste your Fizz.


The act of simultaneously pooping and ejactulating. Term comes from the combination of the words jizz and feces. This usually happens when something is so exciting and/or arousing that it causes one to not only ejaculate, but also shit oneself. Fizzing can often be accompanied by loud outbursts, moaning, and hurried trips to the bathroom.
Jon: "Wow, did you see Ronaldo's goal last night?"
Bob: "Yeah, it was awesome. I saw it on Sportscenter and started fizzing."




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