

俚语 to go box

to go box

When a person has performed oral sex on a women and gets nothing in return, then gets asked to leave.
Nick- Yo Deets you take that chick home last night

Deets- uhhhh yeah........

Nick- Hell yeah man ur a boss. you fuck her?

Deets- no man... i gave a to go box

Nick- Dude.................................

to go box

Facial hair surrounding a man's face, but not a full beard simlpy there to enjoy the remains of 'eating out' with his woman.
person a: "dude, look at that guy's face!"
person b: "what about it?"
person a: "he has a total to go box!"

to-go box

a female who is viewed (often rightly) as good for taking home for a one night stand and not much else
Michael was all about gettin' some strange one night, so he went to the club and scoped around 'til he found his to-go box for the evening.

to-go box

To-go box A woman that like to sleep around and her vag.
I threw one in that broads to-go box last night!

Go boxing ring

To compete in a YouTube boxing match to raise money for charity.
Eric: Nigga go boxing ring, faggot.

go up box

Another term for "elevator"; often used by slow witted women of Wee Britain, in Orange County, California. Also used by men enamored with said women.
George: How did you get upstairs?
Michael: Took the go up box.

go eat a box of trix

Used to tell dumbasses its time to kick rocks. Cause everyone knows. Am i right...
Anyone "Dude there is no way you can can still be up drinking after last night." Me "Go eat a box of trix."

Because... I am!!! I am!!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:02:04