A numeric fundamentalist that fights for the people and conquers as one. Reads the bible with connotations and christs hates the vehement force of advocating God's will power as all forms of governments president, dictator, or religious leader. Promotes religious referendums and negotiates freedom for those under communism who isnt capable of progressing in the act of marxism. Criminal acts of evil practices of descrutinized by the force of power that is brought by the tollimon.
The tollimon was established Friday, November 12th, 1994 in the country of Jamaica and born in the city of Kingston in the WhiteHall parish.
Named Kahiem Roel Hall and leads his country Jamaica as a dominant force of paradise in the caribbean sea.
Jamaica was founded by South America with similarities of Rio De Janeiro with a city like Ocho Rios.
Named Kahiem Roel Hall and leads his country Jamaica as a dominant force of paradise in the caribbean sea.
Jamaica was founded by South America with similarities of Rio De Janeiro with a city like Ocho Rios.