

俚语 tongue slap

Tongue Slapping

When a male or female uses their tongue to lick a person of the opposite genders' face in order to gain their attention.
Girl: 'I had to use tongue slapping last night because the guy next to me was drunk and singing"

Popping Tongue Slap

The audible sound generated from a human tongue slapping downward into the moistened bed of the mouth during vocalization.
Christian tended to annoyingly overanunciate most words as a normal practice. However, his popping tongue slap was becoming much more than any of us could tolerate.

bologna tongue slap

Being something that describes a man slapping his penis on a woman (or mans) tongue by making wet slurping/slapping noises.
Bro 1: Bro shes definitely a kind of bologna tongue slap kinda girl
Bro 2: ... that’s my sister

tongue slap your fart box

Licking ones a** hole with your tongue
Hey babe I want to tongue slap your fart box...mmm

tongue slap your fart box

Licking ones a** hole with your tongue
Hey babe I want to tongue slap your fart box...mmm

tongue slap

a person of any gender slapping the clitoris with their tongue
whilst going down on bernice,it took all of 3 tongue slaps for her to get off




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:49:43