

俚语 tonsils


The testicles of the throat, but useless. Sometimes requires a tonsillectomy (neutering) for health reasons.
My mouth got neutered because my tonsils were fucking up my life.


the clitoris in a loose pussy that hangs down like tonsils
Well it was going great until I went to eat her out and noticed her sloppy tonsils hung down like a deformed bat in a smelly pink cave.


fucking painful inflamation of your tonsils

makes you feel like your throat is giving birth every time you eat something


Feels like a rope covered in razor blades is rubbing against your throat every time you try to swallow
"Damn I have tonsillitis guess I won't eat or drink for a fucking week!"


The reason why I have been coughing like a bitch. Everything can be a similie with like a bitch at the end...
My throat hurts like a bitch because of tonsilitis.


an illness which affects the tonsils in a rather negative way; this includes swelling, soreness, and big painful white pus-filled blisters. this condition usually causes the person affected to be in agony; especially when having a large penis shoved down their throat. the best way to combat this illness is to see a doctor, and demand hardcore antibiotics like leviquin.
i didn't know i had tonsilitis until my boyfriend rammed his huge cock down my throat, and it really hurt.


1. God's gift to blowjobs.

2. An unfair advantage at eating competitions.
Jeff: Hey man guess what!
Bob: What?
Jeff: Sarah has tonsilitis.
Bob: So? Isn't that bad?
Jeff: Let me try this again. Sarah is getting her tonsils removed.
Bob: So? ... Oh. Niiiice.




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