

俚语 top definition

top definition

The best definition displayed for the word or phrase you type into the Urban Dictionary.
"When I typed in Electro Pudding, it gave me the Top Definition!"

top definition

the definition better than the other definition(s) here on this page. This type of definition attracts likes like a magnet and is so OVERPOWERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robert: I just searched us the top definition! It has a lot of exclamation marks!

top definition

The definitions majorly made by what some consider to be dead people.
“Oh hey look! It’s a top definition. I wonder who made it?”

“Tommy, my bro. He’s from 2015. He’s dead. Deader than dead. The deadest dead. He’s what we call, “grown old enough to leave the urban dictionary, his home, behind.”

Top Definition

Person 1: I like sucking top definition
Person 2: gay

I bet you like lemon cum, lemon shoveling, waterlemoan, and wood staffing

Top Definition

This is not Top Definition for Top Definition because it sucks and is 90% bruh
Me: Bruh top definition for top definition on urban dictionary is penis.
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
Me: Bruh
Friend: Bruh
(you get the point)

Top Definition

Its something that likes to remind you that all the other definitions are shit and that this one is the best
Top Definition

Its something that likes to remind you that all the other definitions are shit and that this one is the best




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:38:16