

俚语 to pull a sebastian

To pull a Sebastian

When you care too much about a girl you are dating and you are really self-conscious about it.
- Man, I really like this girl but I want to be casual about it.
- Yea, you don't want to pull a Sebastian.

Pulling a Sebastian

When a teenager with a G-Eazy haircut takes off with a friend or family member and says they'll be right back but spends the entire weekend away from home without even texting or calling his dad.
"My son said his aunt needed some help setting up some balloons yesterday morning and I haven't heard from him since. He's pulling a Sebastian!"

pulling a sebastian

Meeting a random girl, then complementing her and immediately asking for her number.
pulling a sebastian and succeeding

to pull a sebastian

pulling a sebastian is when you run up to a low wall to vault over it, thinking that you can do parkour and slipping in water, to fall about five feet
Sebastian: (pulls a sebastian right in front of keith and jackie)
Keith: Holy shit Jackie! He just pulled a sebastian!
Jackie: he really knows how to pull a sebastian!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:14:45