

俚语 to ripcord

to ripcord

verb. To flee from an awkard situation or boring lecture. Usually involves crossing in front of others or in some other way disturbing the peace and making an ass of onesself.
He pulled out the powerpoint presentation; that was my signal to ripcord.


A length of string tied in a close series of knots that is inserted up a male rectum and slowly withdrawn during the height of sexual climax, stimulating the prostate and enhancing the sexual pleasure.
"I was just about to blow my bolt when she pulled my ripcord and sent me to nirvana."


When someone inserts anal beads into the partners rectum, then when the time is right, you pull the anal beads very fast, yell ripcord, and the partner poops themselves.
Dude, I saw Steve-O get ripcorded on Jackass! It was disgusting!


The string that hangs from a woman's private parts when she is using a tampon.
When I went down on her, I discovered that she had a ripcord. Thus, I was forced to give her a shark bite.


that app that people use to get loud or it can be used as a second discord client for lower cpu and gpu usage
are you using ripcord?


The string-like plastic part you pull in a Beyblade launcher. It has to be put back in the launcher to launch again.
Go ahead, pull the ripcord.


Recording music online and ripping it to an MP3.
Brad loaded his Napster unlimited playlist with some new songs and began ripcording them to his hard drive.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:36:22