

俚语 tortilla chip

tortilla chips

Salkty crispy flaky triangle (or broken pieces i.e. crumbs) of goodness.

Tostitos Tortilla chips go good with salsa

Tortilla Chip

1. A common food associated with Mexican cuisine served with salsa.

2. A style of shaved pubic hair. It is the shape of a triangle (similar in size of a Tortilla Chip).
~I went to the salon today and changed it up from the landing strip to tortilla chip!

~I wish my girl wouldn't shave her poon bald and at least leave a tortilla chip!

tortilla chip

Similar to the slang for a white person as in "cracker", this refers to any person of mexican decent. Can be used as a proper name.
What up tortilla chip? or Ya damn crazy ass tortilla chip mutha fucka!!

Tortilla Chip Tits

Flat triangular saggy tits 🍕 🍕
You want some sour cream on those tortilla chip tits?

black tortilla chip

a person who's nationality is half Mexican, half African American
Steve: Take a look at that black tortilla chip over there.

John: Hmmm, all i see is a black-Mexican guy.

Eat tortilla chip vertically

p a i n
eat tortilla chip vertically and suffer

go commit eat tortilla chip vertically

when someone wants to kill you but cant due to it being against the law, so they make you suffer the most they can
person 1: i think that PBS Kids isnt that good--

person 2: go commit eat tortilla chip vertically




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