

俚语 to shit bricks

to shit bricks

A verb used to emphasize that a large spectacle has happened in the presence of a witness, who then defecated building blocks on the spot.

It is commonly used in the past tense in the following format:
"When (insert), I shat bricks (./!)"
where the (insert) is filled with a noun affecting/completing an action or being affected by a verb and the sentence is ended with either a period or exclamation mark (./!)

It is also utilized as a phrase of exclamation, also in past tense. This clause is preceded by a remark or sentence which could be reformatted into the form above. However, this form is not as prevalent as the abovementioned.
Noun affecting or completing an action
"When Bender saw it, he shat bricks."

Noun being affected by an object
"When that guy got hit by that snow plow, I shat bricks!"

"I shat bricks!"

Note: 'To shit bricks' is never used in its infinitive form and is conjugated in any of the twelve tenses

shitting bricks

to be extremely scared or freightened
we got away before they caught us, man we were shitting bricks

shit bricks

something that occurs when you are very startled, which involved bricks being shatted
When you see it, you will shit bricks.

Shitting bricks

Stress induced constipation. Shitting bricks occurs in situations where you are so overwhelmed in your thoughts that you can't relax your asshole to take a shit. When you finally push it out, it feels as though you've passed a turd with dimensions similar to those of a brick.
God damn it! That's two days in a row Opie clogged the toilet! Exams must have him spooked. He's literally shitting bricks.

shitting bricks

when you are extremely scared or afraid of something
i had so much shit on me and when i saw the cop car i was shitting bricks

shit bricks

The natural, although foul smelling, human reaction to something illogical to the max
"What would you do if your mum turned out to be a Albanian horse named Al Broncho Habsil?"
"I'd shit bricks."

Shitting bricks

To be surprised in a bad way; to be anxious about something
I am currently shitting bricks right now because I found out people do illegal things




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