

俚语 tosi


an acronym for Think Of Something Interesting. Used in online or text conversations to break ice or keep the conversation flowing.
Person 1: I'm bored.
Person 2: Me too.
Person 1: Tosi!


Tosies are a cute way to describe little toes.
Your tosies are sooo tiny and cute. You have cute tosies.


The name for an award received from TOSWars.com. The greatest award show in the streamer world.
Damn, you got a TOSY? I wish I won one. - Ninja


A-swag-tosis: When your swag level goes so high it starts breaking down the alleles in your DNA. Similar to "apoptosis," but involving swag.

Symptoms include excessive style, the ability to go "super smackington," and frequent references to attending private, live concerts for bands no one's even heard of.
Doctor: I'm sorry, but your son has A-swag-tosis. He's too hip to live.

Worried Mother: OMG, what do I do?

Doctor: I suggest you force him to wear glasses and date a loser dork. Otherwise his swag levels might consume him.

Ring Around the Tosies

When a group of dudes suck on eachothers toes in a circle to see who has a foot fetish amongst them
Man, they did ring around the tosies last night and Kyle has a foot fetish!!


Medical term used for obsessive emotional attachment to deal or no deal.
rabishku: rajaniiii i cried watching deal or no deal today, its so emotional.
rajani: i think your suffering from deal-or-no-deal-a-tosis dear.

Testicle tosi

Testicle tosi touches testicles
Testicle tosi touches testicles

Marc likesto rip off old mad testicals and than after that he likes to cut a hole in them and cum in that hole and than when he rubs the testical it will cum with a mixture of the old man cum and Marc's cum and than after he does that he eats the testical with no seasoning




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更新时间:2024/9/21 6:03:49