

俚语 to the internet!

To the internet!

A declamatory phrase (often accompanied by extending the pointer finger in the air) used when attempting to answer some question, piece of trivia, or general puzzle that cannot be recalled and it becomes necessary to look up the fact online.
Man 1: "What was the name of the guy in the movie Sunset Boulevard??? It's on the tip of my tounge!!!"

Man 2: "To the internet!"


The largest insane asylum in existence, run and managed by the inmates.
The inmates Arkham Asylum seem sane and reasonable compared to the people on the Internet.


cesspool of human filth.
Johnny loves watching videos of people beating each other up on the internet.


a cesspool network of insults, porn, shit, lame ass death threats, and pointless arguments over stupid topics that nobody can win, like music.
examples of the shit on the internet: youtube, urbandictionary.com, any chatroom, blogs in general, any comments on anything, porn sites, etc...


A great place for insecure people
lets send mean things and mean comments about pointless videos and websites with the internet!


A large repository of every idea you could ever have, no matter how clever or seemingly unique it may be.
I thought of "That's nacho cheese, it's mine!" but the Internet already had that in about a million places.


the one place where everyone is a hardass.
hardass 1: im gunna fuck your mom tonight. hardass 2: fuck you bitch im gunna kick your ass.. over the internet.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:32:38