Greek: toualete toilet
Greek: hydor water
Greek: phobos fear
A combination of the Greek toualete; meaning toilet; the Greek prefix hydro, and the Greek root phobia.It translates literally as fear of toilet water. Toualetehydrophobia is an irrational fear of being splashed with water from a toilet. In more severe cases the patient will fear the small amount of splashing that occurs while urinating. It can be specific manifestation of misophobia; or the fear of being contaminated with germs. Synonyms - urinohydrophobia.
Greek: toualete toilet
Greek: hydor water
Greek: phobos fear
A combination of the Greek toualete; meaning toilet; the Greek prefix hydro, and the Greek root phobia.It translates literally as fear of toilet water. Toualetehydrophobia is an irrational fear of being splashed with water from a toilet. In more severe cases the patient will fear the small amount of splashing that occurs while urinating. It can be specific manifestation of misophobia; or the fear of being contaminated with germs. Synonyms - urinohydrophobia.
Her toualetehydrophobia was so bad she could not sit while urinating.