

俚语 tough cut

Tough Cut

An expression that shows just how unfortunate your situation is.
It’s the equivalent of saying, down on your luck but with more of an edge.
It is a little better than saying oof when hearing some bad news.
Just imagine someone’s having a terrible day, instead of saying, “Dang, that sucks bro.”
Say instead: “Sounds like you’ve had a tough cut, dude.”

“Yo! no cap but I really think that kid just got knocked out by the dodgeball.”
“Really? Wow, tough cut. a ahaha.”

Tough Paper Cut

1. Someone who's all talk & no action.

2. Someone who claims they're so tough, & when it comes to it, they pussy out.

3. Someone who acts tough on the phone/computer & then when you see them in person, they act all pussy.

4. Someone who talks shit & say they can/are going to "kick your ass" ; yet when you go to comfront them, they pussy out.
Friend 1: Did you hear about what Suzie did?

Friend 2: I know, she totally called Amber a bitch! And when Suzie went to comfront her, she denied everything & pussied out!

Friend 1: Yeah! She acts like such a Tough Paper Cut.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:28:11