

俚语 bird of prey

Bird Of Prey

A klingon vessle infamous for it's speed and cloaking technology
Captain Picard, a Bird Of Prey has been spotted in Federation Space

Birds of Prey

When you dump into someone’s mouth and they regurgitate it back into yours. Much like feeding a baby bird.
Jack is so sweet, he calls me his baby bird. Every Friday night he gives me a birds of prey.

Birds of Prey

A basketball play in which two amateur players who lack dunking skills attempt an alley-oop.

The play is usually signaled via various bird noises and is easily defended after one attempt.
Jeff tried to run Birds of Prey for the fourth time last night, so once he started flapping his arms like an idiot, we all just crowded the hoop.

Birds of Prey

A clique of bad ass gangstas.
Shoot playa, dem da Birds of Prey, we best be hidin' behind that dumpsta.

Klingon Bird of Prey

When you clean your plate at Captain D's and they give you a sucker.
Cory executed the Klingon Bird of Prey on New Year's Eve.




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