

俚语 toxic workplace

Toxic workplace

A toxic workplace is somewhere you really don’t want to be as, even if you try to avoid it, you will be dragged into the backstabbing shit that’s going on and it will adversely affect you. It’s a place usually characterised by drama and infighting and where the personal battles between individuals or departments harm productivity. Toxic workplaces are often the result of workers who are, themselves, best described as toxic. These individuals are motivated solely by personal interest, the desire for money, power and status. They will use any means no matter how unethical, mean-spirited or illegal to manipulate the system for their own ends whilst undermining others and diverting attention away from their own shortcomings.

Toxic workplaces have been found to have profoundly adverse effects on the health and wellbeing of the non-toxic people working in them. The best advice if you find yourself working in such an environment, no matter how good the money or benefits, get out as quickly as possible.
“Malcolm’s crawling round Mark again trying to undermine Nick.”
“That toe-rag really is poisonous; he’s turning this into a real toxic workplace.”

Toxic workplace

The kind of workplace you leave as soon as you've saved enough fuck you money. No two weeks notice. Just leave and never show up again.
I left my lunch in a locked cabinet before I quit that sorry excuse for a company. It's such a toxic workplace, they won't even notice the smell. It'll just blend in with the rest of their bullshit.

toxic workplace

When nobody wishes you "happy birthday", they are automatically a toxic workplace.
Definition of toxic workplace. When it’s your birthday no one wishes you but when it’s other people’s birthday everyone wishes them. Yay! I hate my camp!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:16:38