

俚语 trading skins

Trading Skin

When two men who are engaging in sexual activities create enough friction by rubbing their penises together to the point of which they have rubbed off skin on each other.
"Bro, I just got done trading skin with Betty White in the bath 10 minutes ago."

trading skins

Two straight men engaging in mutual masturbation.
Dude, me and Ted got so drunk and horned up last night we ended up trading skins.

Trading Beaver Skins

An 18th Century version of wife swapping.

Mostly used between American frontiersmen, and in some cases, englishmen with ties to American trading.
Chap 1: I say, Rufus, how would you feel about heading to the cabin and trading beaver skins this night?

Chap 2: Ahhh, splendid idea, Worthington!




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