

俚语 tramy


The most wonderful one-of-a-kind girl you'll ever meet in your whole entire life. A person that will make you smile just by glancing at her! A person that has super seductive eyes! A person that makes super cute faces that make you just want to kiss her and slobber all over her cheeks! A person that can get any guy she wants cause of her crazy attractiveness! A person that can fill your tummy with butterflies whenever you talk to her on the phone! A person with a great sense of style! A person that separates herself from most girls out there! A person that any guy would wait and fight for till she's theirs!
Wow *stares at phone* Tramy is calling! *happy*


Tramy is the coolest down to Mars girl u'll ever meet....she can make u laugh and smile at will....and she is a nice(too nice)..careing....and lovable person...
Tramy called!....(*smiles)...


a straight gangsta! Trami's are probabaly the most sweetest BEAUTIFUL and most kind hearted girls you will ever find! She is very giving, always thinking of others and very trutstworthy:) She is very beautiful but is very down to earth and never concieded. Always there for her friends, and amazing girlfriend very easy to fall in love with. She always drives a sexy black toyota celica ;) Shes a total baaaaaaabe and everyone loves her! You cant say anything bad about a Trami even if you wanted to
*looks at Trami* "wow i wish I was a G like Trami"
"I've always wanted to be a trami"


a girl who can transform into a hamster..........a hamster girl
shut up tramy........u damn hamster bitch!


This is a female Vietnamese name. Tramis are friendly, confident, outgoing extroverts. Quite outspoken. They can be aggressive when provoked. They are athletic. They are usually attracted to Asian men. They are extremely loud.
Trami is interesting.

tramie tripen

tramie tripen is when u take or pop the pain killer tramadol and after a while depending on how u took the pill u start to trip out with like ,body chills ,cant sleep ,trippy dreams and iv noticed ur body really itches and alot of other things
dang bro poped some tramadol yesterday had me tramie tripen all day

pull a Tramy

When coming close to a goal, you fail miserably. It is commonly used by Clash of Clans trophy pushers on Instagram.
Damn, I had 1398 cups already, but then I pulled a Tramy.

Almost thought that I would pull a Tramy but I was lucky in the end.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:17:04