Someone (often short or vertically challenged) who identifies as a tall person.
She was much lower than the door opening, but she still bowed her head, as she is transvertical and believes that she will bump her head on stuff unless she bows her head
transvert n Lat. trans, across, over + vertere, to turn; cf. intravert, extravert - a psychological type that alternates between introversion and extraversion and combines features of both types.
I don't know who I am, an extravert or an introvert? Or am I a transvert? If so, then the entire classification crumbles.
His life moves from one extreme to another, from complete self-absorption to wild partying at random places with random people. He is a typical transvert.
trans·vert·ed (trans-vûrtd) adj.
1. Deviating from what is considered right and correct: a transverted idea of justice.
2. Of, relating to, or practicing sexual transversion.
3. Marked by misinterpretation or distortion: a transverted outlook on life.
1. Deviating from what is considered right and correct: a transverted idea of justice.
2. Of, relating to, or practicing sexual transversion.
3. Marked by misinterpretation or distortion: a transverted outlook on life.
This is so transverted.
I did it with your mom, she is so transverted.
You have a transverted sense of humor.
I did it with your mom, she is so transverted.
You have a transverted sense of humor.