

俚语 treasure in the chest

treasure in the chest

Having generous breasts.
That lady has some treasure in the chest!

treasure chest

1. A woman's large breasts.

2. A woman who has large breasts.
1. Katy Perry has an admirable treasure chest.

2. Katy Perry is a national treasure chest.

treasure chest

when wearing a strapless dress, it refers to the area created between the boobs, where items can be placed and stored.
Friends tried to see how many items could be tossed into Kristin's treasure chest while she was drunk on her birthday.

treasure chest

When you get a blowjob and the girl puts your nuts inside her mouth with your penis
Trask's Mom turned what I thought was just a blowjob into the magical TREASURE CHEST!

the treasure chest

A sex move even more spectacular than the mythical female ejaculation, having only been rumored to be performed by such notables as Fabio and Mr. T. In this complex scenario, when the female is having the greatest and biggest orgasm of her life, her vagina actually splits open at the crack, revealing a treasure chest full of gold inside. This simultaneously happens while she ceases to exist due to the enormity of orgasmic sensation. In addtion, the treasure chest is rumored to incrase in wealth from generation to generation, assuming of course that the mother, grandmother, etc. has never had the pleasure of the treasure chest.
Oh MAN!!! I just got rich off a dirty ho when I gave her the treasure chest. Now I'm a billionaire!!!

treasure chest

Depending on who you talk to, this term can refer to either:
(A) an iron-bound wooden box full of gold and jewels that pirates bury in the sand for later retrieval
(B) the warm and delightfully-soft/smooth front upper-torso of a voluptuously-endowed female human, complete with lusciously-bountiful cone-shaped "treasures" and a comforting heartbeat.
Hey, if ya wanna talk "treasure chests", any normal dude who's worth his "family jewels" knows that a "chesty" gal's warm and ample "treasures" are far more desirable and satisfying to cradle and savor in your comfort-craving paws than a few "handfuls" of lifeless cold hard pieces of eight or silver coins.

treasure chest

a girl with a nice rack.
" Buddy, she has a real treasure chest."




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