

俚语 triangle text

Triangle Text

When 3 people silmutaneously text one another, usually about the same topic.
Ashley: Hey guys did you see tht new movie?

Sarah: Yeah Ashley it was great.

Alex:Yeah i liked it. What did you think Sarah?

Sarah:I thought it was awesome. How abotu you, Ashley?
Ashley:Great . Thanks for deciding to Triangle Text.

triangle texting

when you talk to someone three different ways at the same time, keeping up the conversation. eg. on facebook, sms, msn, calling them, talking to their face.
steph (facebook) : omgg ssaraah!
sarah (sms) :what!?!
steph (textplus) : we are triangle texting!!!!!
sarah (sms) : aww yeah!
(5 minutes later)
steph (facebook) : wait, what did you say? lets stay on one program, im so confused!




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