

俚语 tribewashing



Making someone believe that fitness, the gym, etc. are the answer to all of life's problems.

The act of creating a perceived gang or tribe and using rhetoric to brainwash it's members into subscribing to or even promoting your product or service. This use of rhetoric to make your product or service the key to all happiness and success is common practice in the fitness industry (most notably crossfit), with many gyms and fitness establishments even incorporating said rhetoric into their branding and marketing, making them indispensable and vital to their customers' ability to function by taking away all sense of individuality and replacing it with a mob mentality of belonging and strength in numbers. In short, brainwashing people and making fitness and exercise into a cult in order to profit from it.

Coined by marketing containing words and phrases such as "join our gang", "come and be a part of the family", "this is where you belong", "your second home", etc.

Also: tribewashed
"I was at the gym all the time, I totally thought it was the answer to all my problems. They were tribewashing me for months."

"I keep seeing all these insta posts trying to tribewash me into thinking I need that shit to be a better person..."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:47:18