

俚语 tricing


Another name for an attractive male, with a huge penis, who is a hustla, and carrys a wallet that says "Bad Mother Fucker" on it.
1.)That fucking Trice stole my gf...FUCK
2.)Damnit...i wish i could grow up one day and be like Trice
3.)"honey what did I tell you about staying up late on a school night" "well I was praying to Trice mom"


When a person repeats a mistake 3 times
You won't believe it, but last night he couldn't perform AGAIN for the 3rd time. I think I just got Triced.


When something is cool, or unexpectedly good, it's "trice". It is short for "triceratops", because those are some cool dinosaurs.
"Dude, did you know that Jessica can ride a longboard pretty well?"

"No, I didn't but that's pretty trice"


an add-on to other random words
booktrice. pentrice. subwaytrice. cow-trice. you get the idea.


1)To "over-indulge"
2)The color red which tends to stick out
3)A gut that sticks out
4)An object that has grown to an "abnormal" size
"That idiot just triced all the food at the buffet!"

"You mother#$ker, your a damn Trice".

"Your trice the size of your mother"

"There are starving children in 3rd world countries, and here you are "acting all Trice"



The act of farting to a degree where the smell becomes a burden on society.

Origin: Common folklore has it that the original namesake had a sub-species, widely believed to be a genetically mutated rat, living in his very own asshole.
Roll down the windows, I think I'm about to Trice-out.

Do you have any matches? Trice-out.

After eating that big ole jagoop, there's no doubt that I'm going to Trice-out.

Can I use your shower? I just Triced-the-fuck-out.


Deuces, but with 50% more of that sweet honey nectar called awesome.
Yo, I forgot ta feed my cat today; he's going to be all moody n' shiz. I gotz ta go, trices ya'll. Oh snap, I forgot ta ask our waitress to box my Bloomin' Onions, too. Dang, that bish alzheimer's is straight murderin' my vibe.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:54:06