

俚语 trike's


Being lightly intoxicated. Less than drunk. Previously referred to as "buzzed".
Pat: "Rick, let's go to the Strip Club, you cool to drive?" Rick: "I'm just slightly triked, let's roll."

Rick: "Pat, you want another drink?"
Pat: "Yes please, I got a fat trike and want to maintain it".

Explanation: An alternate term to "buzz" or "buzzed" is now required due to the United States Ad Council Public Service Annoucement stating that Buzzed is now the same as Drunk, rendering the term useless: "Buzzed driving is drunk driving.", reference: buzzeddriving.adcouncil.org


A popular new sex position originating from New Zealand in which the female ride's the male's penis as if she were riding a tricycle.
Guy 1: "heard you had a good time with Maddy last night"

Guy 2: "Yeah man, she rode me like a trike!"

Guy 1: "That's awesome, I might take up triking myself"


When two lesbians include a third female person into their relationship. dike threesome lesbian threesome
I was hit on by a lesbian couple and they invited me over for some trike sex.


to go on a date and invite a friend to tag along. said friend would be a trike, or trikin' it.
Nassim: yo john, you wanna come with me and claire to steak and shake?
John: whoa man, is there gonna be another girl, or am i gonna be the trike?


Transsexual converted from man to woman
That trike is baron I can assure you


To be the third wheel, to watch your friends, who happen to be a couple, commit blatant acts of PDA in front of you as if you were not even there
I rolled to the mall with Ashley and Brad, triking all the way


When you are third wheeling against your will/want
“Dude I was triking with Evan and Kenzie last night it sucked.”




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