Triple S’s
Shit, shower, and shave. What people need to do before leaving their residence.
Lenny did the triple S’s before his date with Roxy.
triple "s"
the "triple S" refers to the first 3 things you do when you get home from a long trip.... shit, shower, shave. can be extended with more s words to include "spank" and "sleep" if applicable
"first thing i do when i get home, is the triple "s" "
Triple S
When one needs to Shit, Shower, and Shave in any order.
Custom: I'm using the bathroom.
Nifty: Going to be long?
Custom: I'm taking a Triple S.
Nifty: You better let me go first...
Custom: Ok I'll wait.
Nifty: Going to be long?
Custom: I'm taking a Triple S.
Nifty: You better let me go first...
Custom: Ok I'll wait.
Triple S
Shit, shower, and shave...the 3 things you gotta do before goin' out or hittin' the scene.
It's 7 right now...I'll meet y'all at 8. Right now it's triple S time.
Meaning to SHIT, SHAVE, and SHOWER
Person 1: You ready to go out?
Person 2: In a few minutes, I gotta take a-triple-s
Person 2: In a few minutes, I gotta take a-triple-s
Triple S
Shit Shave And A Shower
Shit Shave Shower
Shit Shave Shower
' I Need A Triple S When I get Home'
This Implys That One Must Have A Shit A Shave And A Shower. But Not At Once.
This Implys That One Must Have A Shit A Shave And A Shower. But Not At Once.
The act of going into your bathroom to perform 3 simple procedures to help better your body. The three words are shit, shower, and shave.
Yo dude, I'm going into the bathroom to some Triple-S action.