

俚语 tristal


Tristal is girl name and usually is very mean. She bullies people and has a lot of friends even tho she bullied people. She loves hanging out with people and she is outside the whole time. Tristal surely is a girl that everyone wishes to have, she is so beautiful and also is the prettiest girl in the world, she can be complicated to get but it’s all worth it at the end, a Tristal also likes sports like basketball or softball. Tristals would do anything to help there friends and she is also very loyal. I bet that a tristal can do awesome wife for the future. She is very kind to the people she cares about and usually calls there boyfriend bro, homie, broski, and kid, tristal are usually about 5’8 feet.
That Tristal girl is so hot.

I bet everyone wishes to have a Tristal

Tristal can do a great wife.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:56:02