

俚语 trojaned


A popular condom
"Trojan man....!"


1. Very annoying hacking program.
2. AOL
"I used to have a really popular trojan called aol."


1)Citizen of Illion(Troy)
2)Computer hacking program
3)Someone who is a double-crosser
"I hacked that Trojan with my new trojan software however it turned out the person who gave it me was a Trojan"


A piece of software to gain access to a computing system, while the owner isn't aware of it's existence.
Often introduced in a system hidden in an appealing looking free paquage or a free game.

In essence the same principle as the "Trojan horse" which Odysseus used to conquer Troy.
"I planted a trojan in her system, I even have access to her webcam now!"
"You really should get a life, dude!"


Someone who wasn't accepted to UCLA.
I hope that someday I don't have to settle for being a Trojan...


See UCLA rejection

A Trojan is a USC student. They believe that spending 30k for their 3.0 is better then a "cheap" state school which out ranks them in every ranking, including alumni that on average make much more then a USC grad. USC is full of whores filled to the brim with STDs and some not even discovered yet! A typical USC student is a snob whose dad paid for them to go through an expensive private school and fail out, thus being rejected from every other credible school and having no other choice but to pay 30k a year for a piss poor degree. USC is also home to famous rapists and murders. If you're a girl at a USC frat party chances are 9/10 that you will be date raped by a trojan.
Company: Where is your degree from?


Company: Sorry we only want hard working individuals, might I suggest that you work for your dad.


An undesirable person that makes friends with a nice person in order to get in to parties and other social circles and events. As in using nice people in the manner of a Trojan Horse to gain access to places they would not be invited normally.
We were going to invite Jeff to the party, but Michelle will totally Trojan.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:10:07