

俚语 troll moment

troll moment

When someone experiences the attitude of a troll, normally when commenting on facebook or youtube and using words that trolls would use such as gay, fag, retard, sexist or racist comments, shit about celebrities or even conspiracy theories about the government and 9/11.
the other day i commented on a justin bieber music video saying: "He's such a retarded fag who likes to suck nigger dicks all day and i bet he was the one responsible for 9/11."
it was such a troll moment!

Egotistic Trolling Moment

A trolling moment where you say something egotistic about yourself. (Usually out of the blue)
Troll: I love myself, and I need myself, so no one else can have me.

Someone Else: Shut up with your egotistic trolling moment.

Troll: I'm married to myself, because I'm that awesome.

Someone Else: ...

Troll: I started thinking, "I wonder who in the world is better than me?"
Then I realized, I'm perfect, and always will be.

Someone Else: ...




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