

俚语 tronmas


The holiday occurring on the 16th of December. It is celebrating the birth of our savior, Tron. On tronmas, many people give the gift of potatoes (mashed, etc) or toys made from potato. The potato toys are made by little Hornbecks, on the tron tram overlooking Epcot. The potatoes are given to the good children by our lord, Matthew Harrison Brady. But, if they were naughty, Yulka takes them to Krajek's cave, and they will be tortured by Marek. This holiday is widely celebrated by followers of the Church of Matthew Harrison Brady.
"Man, I'm so excited for Tronmas this year! I was good! I'm sure I'll get lots of Potato disks and such!"
"Aww Dude, I was bad this year, I'm scared. I don't want Marek to make uncouth noises at me for eternity!"

"Good luck man, may Matthew Harrison Brady have pity on your soul."




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