Nerdy obsessed fan of the Tron movies!
"I want to see that Tron: Legacy movie on opening night, but I'm scared it will be full of Tronny's!
Vintage, Classic, Dorky, Nerdy yet appealing or attractive.
The music that John listens to is tronny.
anyone obsessed with watching the movie "TRON: Legacy"
Cody: You want to go see TRON?
Ro: No i really dont feel like getting trampled by all those Tronnies.
Ro: No i really dont feel like getting trampled by all those Tronnies.
Tronny's incredible lameness epitomizes the true Way of the Arsebadger.
Man, Tronny's a lame-o.
A word to describe things that are neon, electronic, energizing or reminiscent of the movie Tron or Daft Punk.
Your glow-in-the-dark frisbee is so tronny.
(n) A transgender fan of the movie Tron.
synonyms: Tronsexual, Tronsgender, Tronsvestite.
synonyms: Tronsexual, Tronsgender, Tronsvestite.
Ru Paul is a huge Tronny.