

俚语 trumpcarded


When someone is arguing and they want to finish/win the argument they say something that affects the opponent, causing them to give in. In basic terms, its the winning "last say" that will put an end to the argument.
" I told him I would dump him if he didn't stop, and then he agreed to stop" "Ohh he just got Trumpcarded"!


To discard any factual statement by bringing in a circular argument, appeal to authority or any other well-used and abused forms of fallacies. Simply put, if you can't beat them, confuse them. A strategy to win bigly and not get tired of winning. Recently seen in public use by POTUS Trump and his group of minions, lead by Sean Spicer.
NYT Rep: But, Mr. President, where did you get the info about this terror -
POTUS: It was on FOX news!
NYT Rep: Okay, but the news was covering your statements, right?
POTUS: Why would they cover it if it was not true?! Believe me, they are very smart people. Ver smart, I tell you. They know what they were doing.

NYT cam guy: Damn! He played the trumpcard again!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:38:48