

俚语 bissle


A Northern Virginia slang term that can be used to describe anything and anyone, interpretation is defined by the context of the situation. Often used as a situational expression. Pronounced like missile with a b...
Friend 1 throws a ball into the groin of friend 2. Friend 2 exclaims "Bissle!" to express the feeling of his testicles.

Friend 1 wins the lottery and tells friend 2 about it. Both exclaim "Bissle!" while possibly high-fiving each other.

Friend 1 sees Friend 2 eat that last of his almonds and exclaims "You're a bissle!"

You get the idea, just well "bissle" when you feel the situation is appropriate...


Condensed form of Bat Shit Crazy Lady. Essentially BSCL will sound like bissle when said quickly.
1. Man, my boyfriend's ex is such a bissle. She calls him like ten times a day and acts like he belongs to her.

2. That bissle totally ended up talking smack about me when I started dating him.


A penis with a goatee
I grabbed a razor and gave myself a bissle-wolfe




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