

俚语 trumptards


Donald Trump fanatic/apologist
Once again the Trumptards ignore the complete lack of coherent message from their boy.


One who eschews facts, evidence, logic, reason, and critical thinking in favor of fabrications, unfounded allegations, conflations, libel/insult/slander, projecting Donald J. Trump Senior's (and, in addition, their own) faults onto others, and willful ignorance.
There are rational Republicans out there, and it is possible to have a civil debate with them, agree to disagree, and part with on good terms. But there are the Trumptards who will continue to spew falsehoods and illogic despite a mountain of facts and evidence.


A Trump supporter, just a person that is extraordinary retarded, unworldly, angry, dumb, bigheaded and dangerous for the environment.
Look he is a Trumptard, he doesn't get it.


A mentally challenged individual who is suffocating from having their head too far up Trump's asshole
Breaking News! Trumptards stormed the Capitol!


1. One who is willing to lie, cheat, and steal for no other reason but to lie, cheat, and steal.

2. The opposite of a patriot
3. Someone who will kill others because they don't agree with someone, someone's opinion, or, because "Jesus"
4. A loser
" I was an insurrectionist on Jan 6th. Boy am I a trumptard"


Trumptard is a idiot who believes everything trumptard himself say,but dismisses everything else as fake news,who also think it’s fine for the police to murder its population
Trumptards are out calling everyone Who doesn’t believe him a pedophile,Trumptard himself thinks it’s fine that the police murder his population


texan redneck most likley over 40 cant respect peoples opinions,thinks democrats are evil,homophobic,racist
kisses trumps ass




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:42:07