

俚语 bisto


alternative to gravy.
Jamay: "hows it going foo?"
Jago: "its aaaaaall bisto"


A fart. To be used in the expression "Ah, Bisto" inferring relief at the passing of some aromatic wind.

Origin: Bisto adverts. The family sit down to eat and one member of the family (following a deep inhalation through the nose) expresses their delight at the smell provided by the gravy, by exclaiming: "Ah, Bisto".
Q "Did you just let one go?"

A "Ah, Bisto!"


Also known as cocaine
You’re in the pub with your mates, it’s getting a bit late- someone shouts over “oi Han, get the bisto in”


Another word for great.
1:Hows younz?
2:Ret bistoo mayte, Younz?
1:Ret good pal.


dirty scouse person who finds it hard to comprehend the english language
person A-where are you from?
person B- Ellsmere Port, its on the wirral
person A- dirty fuckin Bisto shit


The process of shitting yourself in a jacuzzi.
Everyone get out of the tub! Andy's just done a bisto!!


Pronounced Ahhhh-sss-Bisto. The gravy like substance fired down the cold ceramic of a toilet. Usually credited to a dodgy curry, it often leaves ringsting to the unlucky recipient and whilst in full flow will echo the sounds of a machine gun being fired into a pond.

This is one gravy train nobody wants a ticket to ride and will arrive without any schedule.
Ohhhh lord of mercy that curry has given me Ass-Bisto, I'd give it 5 before you attack that bathroom




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