

俚语 tthhbds


TTHHBDS stands for: Thinking That He Has a Big Dick Syndrome.

TTHHBDS is a medical condition first discovered in ancient China by arab traders along the silk road while bathing naked in oases together with Chinese traders. Upon first discovery of difference in penis sizes between the two ethnicities the Chinese traders were shocked and became the first people realising that they were suffering from TTHHBDS.

People suffering from TTHHBDS usually have an unrealistic ego, stay for long times in bathing facilities without good reason and like foklore music. Most TTHHBDS patients do not know they have TTHHBDS.

Random facts:
-TTHHBDS is least found among native Africans and their descendants.
-TTHHBDS is most found in men with big ego's.
-TTHHBDS has not yet been linked to a men's height.
-TTHHBDS has been linked to eye colour though.
He has been a douchebag his entire life because he suffers from TTHHBDS, that is also the reason he takes long "poops".

A Chinese family which adopted a caucasian boy started to go through a troubling time as the boy started to become an adolescent. The father suddenly realised that he had had TTHHBDS. while the boy started to develop a severe ego because he started to suffer from TTHHBDS.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:16:53