

俚语 bitchasshoe

bitch ass hoe

a pussy ass bitch who doesnt do shit and you just wanna make fun of there dumb ass
look its adam being a bitch ass hoe

bitch ass hoe

Usually a girl who is being a dumbass. OR someone who is just working your nerves and you just wanna slapp dat bitch!
That bitch ass hoe wanna fight but she aint gonna do nothing.

bitch ass hoe

a skanky looking ugly girl thats a bitch
damn that ugly bitch ass hoe is one ugly bitch ass hoe!!!

bitch ass hoe

a whamen that one would call when they are displeased (is that a word?) with what the whamen has done, or hasn't, hence, the person calling that whamen a "bitch ass hoe"
BOB: ur not givin' me gud head whamen, now imma call you a bitch ass hoe!

MARIE: oh shit, mb, lemme swallow that shit!

Bitch ass hoe

A person that is to of a coward to do or say anything to someone because there gonna get there ass beat and when they do they run and hide and don't show up to a fight
I'm gonna beat this Bitch ass hoes ass hahaha! look at that Bitch ass hoe running hahaha!

Bitch Ass Hoe

It means that when someone is being annoying or mean call them a Bitch Ass Hoe
Ava: Lalalalalallalalalalalalala
Bobbie: Shut the fuck up You Bitch Ass Hoe!!!!

Bitch ass hoe

Look it’s Bitch ass hoe




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