

俚语 bitch ass mom

Bitch ass mom

A mom that tolerates and helps out the deadbeat boyfriend of her daughter
I could have watched my daughter instead of your bitch ass mom.

bitch-ass-fuck-your mom-dick-gaywad-poser-noob

a bitch-ass-fuck-your mom-dick-gaywad-poser-noob is somebody who sucks big black sweaty ball sack and is probably fucking his mom right now
Chase Russell who goes to frontier academy in greeley colorado who is a bitch-ass-fuck-your mom-dick-gaywad-poser-noob. FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCH LOSER COCKSUCKING NOOB POSER ONE DAY I AN GOING TO KILL YOU I AM GOING TO CUT YOUR CHEST OPEN, RIP YOUR RIB CAGE OPEN, EAT YOUR ORGANS, CUT OFF YOUR 1 INCH DICK, FEED IT TO MY DOGS, AND THROW YOUR BODY INTO A WOOD CHIPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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