When you make up new versions of words or famous phrases because your education level is poor. Instead of looking up the word you garble through it or alter it.
Did you hear that Tullisism? He called it Eth-No-City?!? What fucking State is that in?
Another damn Tullisism...he said "Well that's like the black pot calling the kettle up" whatttttt?
He totally speaks in Tullisisms...he just said " I don't know the guy wanted to be anomimus. You know not say his name."
Tullisism: "I need some alauminumnum foil"
Another damn Tullisism...he said "Well that's like the black pot calling the kettle up" whatttttt?
He totally speaks in Tullisisms...he just said " I don't know the guy wanted to be anomimus. You know not say his name."
Tullisism: "I need some alauminumnum foil"