

俚语 tupee


It is a name for the female VAGINA.
I ate tupee today, and it was good.


Tupee is a word used in situations of excitement, like booya or awesome
"I just got a raise...TUPEE!!


to misspell by means of typing failure
"dude, i love that haiestylr, it looks fantastic!"
"man stop tuping, it's giving me a headache."


A word to replace "idiot" or someone who cant type
*texting conversation*
Person one: "who is massaging?"
Person two: "you mean who is messaging bro?"
Person one: "bro shut up you know what I meant. I cant tupe."
Person two: "you absolute tupe bruv. I'm putting this onto urban dictionary"
Idiot: "wait a second!"


A very kind person like Marco
Marco is very tupeds


An insult to use when somebody is being a retard, it can be used in various different forms - preferably the most complicated. It makes the insult funnier if the victim doesn't know what you're on about. Which you most likely won't - because you are all tupes, who don't own awesome home-made certificates.

*Originated from the mistake of spelling 'type', 'tupe'. Well done ;
Cooldude: You're such an unexciting, low caffine, tea-less tupe...

Retard: What the hell is a tupe?

CoolDude: Ha! You're such a super-tupe! You don't know what tupe means!

Samulipistätriplajuustolla Tupsu Tupee Väänänen-Väänänen

1. a huge penis
1. He has a Samulipistätriplajuustolla Tupsu Tupee Väänänen-Väänänen so big, that he gives even John Holmes a run for his money




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