

俚语 tupped


Enticing a person to ask a question, only to be elusive as to its answer.
Curtis: I have some big plans for this weekend
Will: oh really? Like what?
Curtis: That's on a need to know basis.
Will: You just tupped me!

Tup tup tup

An emotion, typically consisting of contentment and mild satisfaction
Bro 1: "let's go get some burgers"
Bro 2: "food tup tup tup"


to tap / have sexual relations with / fuck
origin: Othello, by Shakespeare
...an old black ram is tupping your white ewe...
I love tupping your Mom.
I love to tup dat azz.


The state of fornicating with a sheep; generally used as an expletive.
"Well, that's just tupping brilliant..."

Tup Tup

another word used for the female genitalia, especially during sex
I'm dying for a bit of Tup Tup tonight


(British Slang) To have intercourse
As I true gentleman, I do not have sex; I tup individuals.


A way to describe something or someone cute, nice, sweet or any other positive trait. A term of affection.
That little girl helping to rescue a cat is so tup!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:37:37