

俚语 turletting


An American dialect variant for toilet. This particular slang word is used most commonly in Indiana, the lower Midwest. However, the area from Philadelphia to the New York City area in the Mid-Atlantic states.
You didn't flush the turlet!


Toilet, the john, the crapper
I can't seem to get away from the turlet today.


A toilet located in the Canadian town of Grand Bay-Westfield, New Brunswick. Or, a toilet located in Saint John with a Grand Bay-Westfielder on it.
"Matt drank too much and made waves in the turlet at work."

"Michelle put a crack in the turlet."


The toilet, john, or throne. Used mainly in rural settings by rednecks. Often claimed by douchebags to have originated in New York, but that assertion is clearly false. Predominant in the southern states and areas of low socio-economic standing country-wide.
Dang it Jinny!! I done told you I's gone need that damn turlet!! Git off!!


A toilet only used to drop big turds.
I am going to the turlet, it could be a while. Where is your plunger?

turlet treat

Any food item comsumed while sitting on a public turlet, due to incapability of holding in one's grumpy long enough to finish a meal.

Most commonly occurs during a bang bang or the highly stigmatized double bang bang.
Steve indulged in a turlet treat at the local pizzeria.

turlet eel

a long skinny turd that wraps around the inside of the turlet bowl.
I just dropped a turlet eel so long it made a 360 around the bowl. There was no room left for turlet paper.




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