

俚语 turnbuckled


The name used to describe when a younger lonely man who chases after older married women with children to fill the hole in his life from having his own mommy-issues in an attempt to break up an otherwise happy family. One who tries to make the mother turn away from her stable home and turn the rest of her family upside down
"That dude just turnbuckled my wife and now our world has turned upside down!"


The connecting corner piece of the ropes in an entertainment wrestling ring.

Stone Cold just slammed the Undertaker's head onto the turnbuckle.


The name used to describe a younger lonely man who chases after older married women with children to fill the hole in his life from having his own mommy-issues in an attempt to break up an otherwise happy family. One who tries to make the mother turn away from her stable home and turn the rest of her family upside down.
"That turnbuckle just took my wife from me and turned our world upside down!"

Turnbuckle Syndrome

To be the biggest, strongest, fastest kid in your school at the age of 12 but then not grow another inch or gain another ounce of athletic ability thru the rest of your young adulthood.
Cheerleader: Who is that 5th grader on the sidelines of the Varsity football game?
Other Cheerleader: Oh girl, that's Turner. He has a bad case of Turnbuckle Syndrome. Poor bastard hasn't grown an inch or gained an ounce of athletic ability since the 5th grade.
Cheerleader: Awww, poor little guy...

Kentucky Turnbuckle

The ultra rare occurrence of male-on-male reverse cowboy. Not seen often in the wild and not easily forgotten.
Wow, did you see Chad pull a Kentucky Turnbuckle on David the other night? That was wild!

Backwards turnbuckle

A backwards turnbuckle is when you sit back to back with your bro and use a seat belt to become one. Then reach behind and jerk them off.
Me and Ron got shit faced and backwards turnbuckled lastnight.

colorado turnbuckle

A sexual act where a woman lays on a turning bed while the man stands at the edge slapping her in the face with his penis on each rotation until he reaches climax. Also known as the Cincinnati Carousel.
Man I gave that chic a Colorado Turnbuckle her cheeks were so bruised.




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