

俚语 turnbull's


Being tricked into changing your mind and choosing an inferior product over the superior product you had already chosen
1. I got turnbulled into replacing my iphone with a Microsoft Windows Phone
2. Australia got turnbulled into choosing paper cups and string instead of a 100Mbps Fibre-to-the-Premise National Broadband Network


An agreement which is made in good faith but then not ultimately honoured, potentially under significant pressure from once allies turned traitors.

Named after Malcolm Turnbull, former journalist, lawyer, merchant banker, Australian republican campainer and leader of the Australian Liberal and National Party Coalition.
But that was only a Turnbull.
Dont worry, we can always pull a Turnbull.


Hardheaded/n don't care. Protective, violent, Turnbulls are a family that are all through Cunnamulla to Ballina in New South Whales. they're hardheaded and do not care what anyone thinks until you say something to or about theyre family members, if you do RUNN.
"don't mess with them 'Turnbull's" they're violent and don't care what they do to you"


When the show you’re streaming freezes because your internet is too slow.
Dammit, it’s just getting to the good part and now it’s bloody turnbulling!


to take something good away from someone.

to stand in the way of something that will benefit someone.

to screw someone that is already doing it tough.
I was buying drinks for this chick all night, and then another guy swooped in a Turnbull'd her.

I asked my boss for a payrise, but his managed ended up Turnbull'n it.

I was one day late making a repayment on my mortgage, and the bank charged me extra fees. They are such Turnbulls.


To turn around and backstab, undermine and attempt to destroy your once called colleagues and friends because of your narcissism and belief that the sun does shine out if your own arse

To reject sound economic decisions because your Mrs says no she doesn’t like the idea
“Don’t tell Malcolm or his son anything important or you’ll be Turnbulled “

Malcolm Turnbull

Refers to a man who is inflicted with a small penis. Often these types are products of Grammer Schools.
Did you see the guy in the showe. What a Malcolm Turnbull.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:27:14