

俚语 bitches is shit

bitches is shit

just cause you got played doesn't mean all girls aren't shit.
bitches is shit just like mosthated,jessyyy from instagram.

Bitch an shit

Someone who complains while taking a dump.
moron bitch an shitting- 'wtf mom. i told you to buy the rippled brand of charmon ultra! WTF. is it so much to ask? GOSH!"

Bitches Ain’t Shit

It means that you hoes ain’t shit and will never be shit cause y’all some hoooessssss
“Damn she already fuckin with 3 niggas,man bitches ain’t shit”

Bitch Nigga Shit

Bitch Nigga Shit or BNS, is the act of doing something retarded/cowardly. Canbe used to describe snitch behaviour
Kid 1: Hey let me type that email for you
Kid 2: No ur gonna type some bitch nigga shit

Kid 1: Dude didn't she get shot because she wanted girls to go to school?
Kid 2: She got shot because she was black bro. She was on some bitch nigga shit

Kid 1: Bro have you heard about that guy that got snitched on for having photos of the test?
Kid 2: Yeah fuck whoever sniched on him. That some bitch nigga shit right there.

bitches aint shit

Originally a Dr. Dre song, but has since evolved into a generic saying used to blow off a shitty situation involoving a female. The song has since been remade by Ben Folds.
Guy: Dude, I broke up with Anna last night.

Friends: Screw her dude, bitches aint shit, lets get wasted.

bitches aint shit

Jada aka _is_.is._jada_
Jada is the meaning of bitches aint shit

Bitches ain’t shit

All my exes
“Damn Timmy,she already got a man. Bitches ain’t shit on moms’




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:35:28