turtle sundae
When someone dresses up in Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle (preferably, but regular turtle will do fine) apparel, and proceeds to get their dominatrix on with a woman. The wearer of the costume gets bonus points for a "cow-a bunga, dude."
"Good lord, what happened to Jeffrey?"
"Caught his mom getting a turtle sundae from his dad."
-Conversation between Jeffrey Dahmer's aunt and second cousin.
"Caught his mom getting a turtle sundae from his dad."
-Conversation between Jeffrey Dahmer's aunt and second cousin.
Two dollar turtle sundae
When two individuals otherwise unknown to each other hook up via a Facebook comment feed and later meet to get their nuts fudgey.
I never knew what I was missing until I has a two dollar turtle sundae.
two dollar turtle sundae
When two individuals otherwise strangers hook up via a Facebook comment feed and agree to meet to get their nuts fudgey.
I never knew why I was on Facebook until my first two dollar turtle sundae.