

俚语 tusky


to feel horny, or can be used as another word for grimey
it's getting tusky in here!


Tusky has been the common word for rhubarb for centuries. The famous area for tusky growing is a triangle in Yorkshire. Wiktionary says it's the sticks produced, but tusky has usually meant the whole plant.
Young tusky is forced into growth in dark, low buildings, and picked by candlelight.


The most destructive force in the universe.
Ugh, my friend totally came over yesterday and wrecked like everything in my house!
Man, what a tuski.


When someone does something that wasn't meant to be awesome in a way that makes it awesome.
George: Man, look at that guy playing the banjo.
Lennie: Yeah he's tusky.


(Tuh-Skee) -A person who isn't fat, but isn't skinny. Some of their body is muscler, but other parts are just fat.

A muscler fat person.
I'm not fat, I'm just tusky...

So what's your body type? Tusky, I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny either.

His arms are muscler, but his stomach is fat. So he's tusky.

I'm not fat baby, I'm tusky.


When one is so horny, they can’t even call it horny. More horny than horny.
Bro she kept called me daddy the other day, it made me so tusky!

Uncle Tusky

Uncle Tusky is a character in Zero Punctuation that makes occasional appearances. His first appearance was in Yahtzee Croshaw's review of The Orange Box. Specifically, he was talking of Half-Life 2's unexplained unveiling of a strange character that everyone knew already. He uses the similie that the event is "like coming home from school to find a walrus sitting at the family dinner table and you're the only one who seems to notice." The illustration depicts a walrus sitting at a table with another person offering "Uncle Tusky" some more potatoes. In Zero Puncutation's review of Super Mario Galaxy, while Yahtzee Croshaw mentions Super Mario Galaxy's unintuitive camera controls. He shows Uncle Tusky with a camera atop his head and a faceless voice saying, "Put that down Uncle Tusky."
Uncle Tusky does not want potatoes. He wants a salad.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:27:41