

俚语 tussed


being burned, someone playing a joke at your expense...etc.
"You so got Tussed!"


Cornish slang, an insult with a broad spectrum of severity, ranging from the affectionate to flat out indignation.
When someone makes an incompetent mistake..."you tuss"


Used in reference to the prescription cough medicine brand Tussionex which contains hydrocodone. Often mixed with a flavored beverage before consumption, which is referred to as syrup.
"I'm a pass out from sippin' all that tuss."
"You got that tuss?"


Tuss in Cornish dialect literally means "erection", but is more broadly used as a general insult for one who is inept or unlikeable in some way.
"Turn the radio off, i hate that tuss Scott Mills" or "pass the ball to me, tuss"


Tuss is the perscription cough syrup, that is purple, yellow or orange. This stuff fucks you up and make you sleep like baby.
Sippin Tuss started out in Texas and has grown in popularity all around the country. Some idiots think that Robutussin and tuss are the same thing, trust me they are not. You cant buy this shit over the counter.
"Drinkin Robutussin and Nyquill and calling it Tuss is like taking a tylenol and sayin its a x pill."


Cornish version of calling someone a dick
Ross: hey look, Joe is trying to fuck his kebab again.
Zac: fucksake, what a tuss


tusse is my cat and i love him. he is so beatiful and deserves an award for being the best cat
person 1: man tusse is so cute i wish tusse was my cat.
person 2: i agree with person 1

some moron: i dont like tusse
literally everyone: kills the tussehater




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