

俚语 tussell


A form of playful wrestling. A commonly used word among lovers.
"I can't wait to get out of work and tussell you baby!"


To be used to deescalate a physical altercation with laughter
"Put 'Em Up... Let's Tussel!"


An Irish Jew.

origin: out of the two-one-fif
The tussel used so much febreeze you couldn't see three inches from your nose.


Something that can range from slutty to a moron to a dick or man hore. Also it can refer to being tuff.
1) Don't be such a fucking tussel, it's degrading.

2) I got to get tussel so he wont see how fucking scared I

3) The car is tussel.

4) She's such a tussel.

Fro tusseler

To tussle someones fro, in other words; to annoy, bother, nag, or anger.
Fro meaning afro (hair style usualy worn by black people)
Tusseler meaning to annoy or inferiate.
Random: yoh man, your gf's a beast, what do you see in that dog.
Person: (to other friends) that dudes really starting get to me
Friend: He's just a fro tusseler, no worries

tussel crowe

A funny pun used to desribe russel crowe the fag that appears on the advanced hair studio ads and is commonly known to have absolutely no balls at all.
Guy 1: Man im like going bald
Guy 2: Wtf fag... go have anal sex with tussel crowe

Russel the Tussel

Russel the Tussel is the most fearsome pirate to ever sail the seven seas. When children see him, they are stricken with fear. He walks silently through hallways before raping his son brutally. He is a force to be reckoned with.
Russel the Tussel crept through the hallways, and he lunged into his son's room, and fucked him with his pirate meat cutlass




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